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Upgrade auf phpWebSite 0.9.3-4
updated by rck, 2004-10-10

Heute habe ich mich über das Upgrade auf die neuerste phpWebSite Version getraut. Sie verlief im wesentlichen Erfolgreich, nur der Newsfeed-Reader und die Remember-Me Option funktionieren noch nicht.

MOD-Rewrite Hack 0.3 Releasenotes


Eloi George <>





This is a mod_rewrite hack for phpWS that I created to make phpWS URLs look like static files, so that links like are replaced by shorter ones like

It also convinces the search engines that they're not indexing dynamic pages. I've been tweaking it for a few weeks now to get all the bugs I could find worked out of it, but it needs a wider test before we can start pushing to get it added to the phpWS core code. It should work on all Apache webservers running the mod-rewrite module.

While creating this thing, I had concerns about what delimiter to use (see I settled on '~', but some people preferred other symbols. In that case, all you have to do is change the code in 3 places - 1 line in index.php and 2 lines in the moduleLink function in /core/Text.php.

Below are notes of the changes I made to all applicable phpWS files. To save you the trouble of applying patches to your code, I made packages that contain all the files you need to modify a phpWS 0.9.3-1 installation. You can download the .zip or .tar from byGeorge!Ware.

If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, leave a message in the forum so we can all talk about it.

-Eloi George-


This is where most of the URL decoding is done via the ReweriteRule statements. If you want to add your own custom lines here, be sure to read before you start.

This file must be placed at the site root directory. If there's a .htaccess there already, you'll have to merge the code in both files together manually. If your installation has branches, this file must be placed at the root of those sites as well.


Insert URL translating code at line 20.

Only 1 copy of this is needed per installation. DO NOT replace any of your branches' index.php files!


Insert MOD_REWRITE_ENABLED constant at line 6.

This constant variable turns the hack on and off. If you need to go back to the old way of operation, there's no need to change any files back -- just set MOD_REWRITE_ENABLED to FALSE.


This is the workhorse of the entire hack. All of the new links are produced here.

ATTENTION DEVELOPERS: If you have hardcoded links and need to convert them to use the moduleLink function, only convert those links that a siteop would want search engines to follow. The server has to execute more code every time moduleLink is run, so having a dynamically-created link to a data entry page isn't worth it.

The moduleLink function has been changed so that it will create optimized phpWS URLs if the MOD_REWRITE_ENABLED constant is set to "true". Customized urls can be created by changing or adding code inside the SWITCH statement.

We also added two parameters to moduleLink ($class and $anchor) that lets you specify what CSS class to assign to the displayed linktext and at what part of the new web page to position the browser display.

We also inserted a new method called parseLink, which takes a text link like "index.php?module=pagemaster&PAGE_user_op=view_page&PAGE_id=3423" as input and returns an array with 2 main elements -- one containing the module name and the other containing an array of getvar/getvalue pairs. This had to be done to allow modules to send customized URLs to Pager, FatCat, and MenuMan without changing their existing code.


For some reason Pager doesn't use the moduleLink function, hardcoding the links instead. I had to change that. Now the setBackLink function expects an array in the parseLink format (see Text.php). If the module sends the normal string link to it, the string is parsed into the proper array format. From there, all other $GET value pairs are added with the $linkback array.

Added Functions

  • function getPagerLink

Changed Functions

  • function setLinkBack
  • function getBackLink
  • function getForwardLink
  • function getSectionLinks
  • function getLimitLinks

FatCat's saveSelect method doesn't use the moduleLink function, accepting hardcoded links instead. So we'll just change the code so that when it receives the viewing link, it calls PHPWS_Core:::parseLink on line 95 to turn it into an array that gets sent to moduleLink for processing.


MenuMan's menu_item method doesn't use the moduleLink function, accepting hardcoded links instead. So we'll just change the code so that when it receives the viewing link, it calls PHPWS_Core:::parseLink to turn it into an array that gets sent to moduleLink for processing. Afterwards, the HTML tags get stripped back out.
Insert URL translating code at line 146.


Layout is using an old method to handle redirects to the previous page that causes the Layout Control Panel to break when MOD_REWRITE_ENABLED is enabled. We'll borrow the linkback fuctionality from Comments and apply it to this module.

Replace all instances of the line header("location: " . preg_replace("/.*(index\.php.*|)$/Ui", "", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); with header('location: ' . $_SESSION['OBJ_layout']->linkBack);

Then replace

if ($_SESSION["OBJ_layout"]->_panel)

if ($_SESSION["OBJ_layout"]->_userPanel)


if ($_SESSION["OBJ_layout"]->_panel){
$_SESSION["OBJ_layout"]->linkBack = $GLOBALS['core']->whereami();

if ($_SESSION["OBJ_layout"]->_userPanel){
$_SESSION["OBJ_layout"]->linkBack = $GLOBALS['core']->whereami();

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