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The missing phpWSBB feature

updated by rck, 2007-04-06
The missing phpWSBB feature Every once in a while, someone at the phpws forums would like to have a suggestion on how to integrated phpBB into phpWebSite. Then, the usual answer is, to simply take phpWSBB which results in a frown. phpWSBB doesn't have the great features that phpBB has, does it?

Edit The newly-compiled phpWSBB 1.2.0 is now available for download. It contains the private forums hack as seen in CVS with some interface improvements.

Members Module for phpWebSite

updated by rck, 2006-12-23
Members Module for phpWebSite Some site owners would like to have a list of members. Like they do in for example phpBB or other community oriented CMSes. Now you can have such a member list, including member statistics, in phpWebSite too.

Note: Please note, that this is a restricted download. This module is only available for members who have voted for the phpWebSite awards 2006. Please also note, that this poll only runs until start of 2007!

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Recent and Random Links Modules

updated by rck, 2006-09-09
Recent and Random Links Modules Two similar functionalities put in two distinct modules instead of one big hack. The Link Manager module of phpWebSite neither can show a box with the latest links in it, nor can it show a box with random links in it.

These modules have been in use on for a long time. As there was a request for the ability to show recent links like on my site, I'm releasing them now

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Breadcrumbs Module 0.1

updated by rck, 2008-04-30
Breadcrumbs Module 0.1 One thing missing in phpWebSite are site-wide breadcrumbs. Usability experts agree: Bread crumbs aid getting along with a web site. Think for example about the Control Panel, where you are lost as soon as you click onto an icon.

How do you get back except pressing the back button? That depends on the idea the module author had when coding the module. Now, there's an alternative

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Clock 0.3 for phpWebSite

updated by rck, 2005-03-26
Clock 0.3 for phpWebSite

Have a lot of visitors from different timezones? Always to late because you're playing around with your homepage? Bored to death and want something that changes after a while on your screen?

Or do you simply want to create your very own phpWebSite module? If you answered yes to any of those questions clock is for you.

0.3 now contains the danish language file, translated by Lasse Skov from LiquidArt. Thank you!

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chmod 0.1.1 for phpWebSite

updated by rck, 2005-02-13
chmod 0.1.1 for phpWebSite

chmod enables phpWebSite users to change permissions of folders and files through the Control Panel. Comes in handy, if you don't have shell access to your host.

0.1.1 fixes a bug. I forgot to write $this-> in front of genOkMsg. Thanks for Johan den Hollander for noticing!

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chown 0.1 for phpWebSite

updated by rck, 2005-01-23
chown 0.1 for phpWebSite

As soon as I had finished chmod, I've seen request for being able to change the ownership of a file. If you don't have a shell-access and are running phpWebSite, you might try this module!

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Visitors 1.3 for phpWebSite

updated by rck, 2006-04-09
Visitors 1.3 for phpWebSite

Visitors is basically a remix of "Who's online", "Statistics" and an automated spider detection. Right now, it's only a "Who's online light". There are no duplicate entries. Instead, there is an automated dns-lookup and a display of user agent for deities.

1.3 improves compatibility with newer MySQL releases. It also includes additional analysis for Contact and Announcement URLs.

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Health 1.1 for phpWebSite

updated by rck, 2008-04-29
Health 1.1 for phpWebSite

Health is a module that checks a couple of things as soon as you are logged in as deity. That way, it ensures a nice and sound environment for phpWebSite and helps discover problems before they occur.

1.1 has been released earlier than planned. Manual mode from 1.0 contained the wrong checksum, as noticed by billypurdue. 1.1 has a working manual mode as well as a new “show user variables” tool.

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