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Switching back to english

updated by rck, 2004-10-10
Switching back to english

As my visitors tend to come from all over the place (hello Kuala Lumpur!), about 60 different each day, I decided to switch my site back to english. I'm doing the transition gradually, so please be patient. I might even translate some older articles which could be of interest.

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Introducing Polar 0.2

updated by rck, 2006-03-25
Introducing Polar 0.2

Polar 0.2rck2004, the old theme, has been online from March 2004 until now, October 2004. It's been a quick hack and was meant to be replaced earlier. I've made a new theme, it's called Polar 0.2. It will be the default theme as of today.

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updated by rck, 2006-04-23 went RSS You can see those little orange icons all over the web now. RSS is everywhere, people love the really simple syndication. I must admit, I like it also. Google Desktop's Web Clips made me want it in its unobstrusive yet useful way.

So I enhanced phpwsrssfeeds to support forums as well as comments, added a couple of icons on and am very happy with the result.

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2005 in review

updated by rck, 2005-12-31
2005 in review 2005 was a very eventful year. Looking back, a couple of things happend that I didn't even think of earlier. I met people who are very important in my life, I created tools that are valueable to people, things went just fine.

I'd like to thank each and every visitor of this very site for his/her ongoing support and would like to review 2005 in this short article.

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Try out phpWebSite themes

updated by rck, 2008-04-29
Try out phpWebSite themes A few days ago, Wayne from the phpWebSite support forums posted a question. Is there a way of previewing and trying all the different phpWebSite themes without downloading them first? A few hours later, there was.

I've implemented a very simple site using Wiki and the Anonymous Theme hack. The Wiki takes care of a history as well, so everyone can check out which new themes there are available for preview.

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OutlawGroup was here

updated by rck, 2005-09-08
OutlawGroup was here

Today at breakfast I had a surprise on my homepage. The Outlaw Group apparently payed me a visit! Instead of the usual Sharondippity-Theme, all I got was "OutLaw Group". Nothing more.

The good thing of course is a lot of saved bandwidth. Instead of the old 3.7K, the dispatcher was only 13 Bytes big. Then again, a static content management portal isn't exactly my idea of a good time.

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Wiki upgraded to 0.3.0

updated by rck, 2005-07-23
Wiki upgraded to 0.3.0

I have just upgraded the local Wiki-Module to the current version 0.3.0. The module has been announced on phpWebSite Manual, but I couldn't find it on the appstate homepage yet.

The big new feature of this version is the Wiki Toolbox, as seen on the image.

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The new look for the new year

updated by rck, 2005-01-19
The new look for the new year

I saw it, I wanted it, I got it. From Sharon. The new design is called Sharonism.

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Online at donnerstagnacht

updated by rck, 2004-11-24
Online at donnerstagnacht

After a downtime that lasted longer as expected (as usual), I'm back. This time I have a faster server and broader bandwidth as well. Please welcome:!

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Deployment of Sugarplum

updated by rck, 2004-10-24
Deployment of Sugarplum

I've got another two spam-mails to my webmaster-account at my domain. That does it, I strike back! I've deployed Sugar Plum today on my site.

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