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We got smilies

updated by rck, 2006-03-27
We got smilies

Thanks to a patch by Yves, we now have smilies on as well! Let's take a brief tour on how you use them.

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Test Thread for Smile.php

updated by rck, 2004-10-10
Test Thread for Smile.php

there should be a smilie: smile and another one: cool some more: idea twisted arrow sad surprised mad

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Math Run

updated by rck, 2004-10-10
Math Run

Today, I had my third attempt on "Mathematik 1". It's the last for my bachelor. If I'd fail, it's over for me. 8 years of study for nothing. Then, life is full of surprises.

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Wickeltische. For gents

updated by rck, 2004-10-10
Wickeltische. For gents

I don't know the english translation for it. A Wickeltisch is a desk, where you put your baby on in public in a bathroom. And change it's diapers. Usually stuff, women do.

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Order me

updated by rck, 2004-10-05
Order me

I've just discovered, some was looking for me. In Google. He entered "Rene Kiesler" as a search string. How interesting. So I had a look, what google was finding.

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Test Article for Spanish Accent

updated by rck, 2006-03-27
Test Article for Spanish Accent

Will Oración stay Oración? will á stay á, will é,í,ó,ú,ń stay the way they should?

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A new term has begun

updated by rck, 2004-10-04
A new term has begun

That's another term of working out at the USI for me! I've made a couple of photos, which I'd like to share with you.

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Breaking words with HTML

updated by rck, 2004-10-04
Breaking words with HTML

Did you ever want to do some word breaks in your Documents but didn't know, how to do that in html? Well, I don't know how to do that automatically, but there is a nice softhypen, you might like.

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Introducing Polar 0.2

updated by rck, 2006-03-25
Introducing Polar 0.2

Polar 0.2rck2004, the old theme, has been online from March 2004 until now, October 2004. It's been a quick hack and was meant to be replaced earlier. I've made a new theme, it's called Polar 0.2. It will be the default theme as of today.

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updated by rck, 2004-10-10

I just found a nice tool for checking the readability of websites. It checks paragraph length, etc. There are a couple of background articles on that subject as well.

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