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FrontPage > BwzNotes > BusinessEnglish2 > SocialSecurityUK

Social Security in the UK

Florance and a second girl held a presentation about social security today. Gouvernant L'George introduced law based on german legislation.

During World War 2, there was a social legislation

Churchill and Attlee were part of a social revolution, which was based on the Beveridge Report of 1942.

Goal: Higher living standards for the working wellfare state was the ideal for post-war state.


The gouvernment is responsible for wellfare of the population. We talk about three parts here:

Social Security

- General Taxation
- Pensions, Family a (???)
- Contribution to national insurance

National Health Service

- System works well, but
- increased cost -> most expensive system

- Labour Management


2000: national health service settled

new hospitals, increasing national services staff

Social services

- elderly people
- disabled people
- supported by social workers, etc.


- proved


- cost will increase
- longer life
- gouvernment encourages (what?)

Last modified 2005-03-31 18:20 by rck