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Clock 0.3 for phpWebSite

updated by rck, 2005-03-26
Clock 0.3 for phpWebSite

Have a lot of visitors from different timezones? Always to late because you're playing around with your homepage? Bored to death and want something that changes after a while on your screen?

Or do you simply want to create your very own phpWebSite module? If you answered yes to any of those questions clock is for you.

0.3 now contains the danish language file, translated by Lasse Skov from LiquidArt. Thank you!

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New Theme: Lasse

updated by rck, 2005-02-05
New Theme: Lasse

MosMensk from LiquidArt made his first phpWebSite theme available. It is based around the topic “contemporary health”, very clean and nice to look at.

Oh, and it is the first 3rd party thing hosted on!

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Design your own bouquet

updated by rck, 2005-02-03
Design your own bouquet

It is amazing, what talented people can do with flash. I've just stumbled across Orisinals website through a linkdump. There's very fascinating stuff going on.

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Get in touch

updated by rck, 2008-04-29
Get in touch

If you want to reach me, that's easy. Just have a look in this Article.

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chown 0.1 for phpWebSite

updated by rck, 2005-01-23
chown 0.1 for phpWebSite

As soon as I had finished chmod, I've seen request for being able to change the ownership of a file. If you don't have a shell-access and are running phpWebSite, you might try this module!

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chmod 0.1.1 for phpWebSite

updated by rck, 2005-02-13
chmod 0.1.1 for phpWebSite

chmod enables phpWebSite users to change permissions of folders and files through the Control Panel. Comes in handy, if you don't have shell access to your host.

0.1.1 fixes a bug. I forgot to write $this-> in front of genOkMsg. Thanks for Johan den Hollander for noticing!

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Ausdrücke in JAVA

updated by rck, 2005-01-23
Ausdrücke in JAVA

Ein sehr mächtiges Konzept in Programmiersprachen ist die Möglichkeit, zusammengesetzte Ausdrücke zu verarbeiten. Das Thema Ausdrücke ist Teil des EPROG-Übungstests und wird in diesem Tutorial näher beleuchtet.

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Performance problems with php 4.3.10

updated by rck, 2005-01-21
Performance problems with php 4.3.10

php 4.3.10 is right now the recommended php version for running phpWebSite. But: There seem to be performance issues with it! I've read a short note in the Informatik Forum about it that lead to an article on the heise homepage.

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My new Clié Cradle

updated by rck, 2005-01-20
My new Clié Cradle

Well, today will enter in history as the day where I finally got my Clié Cradle. It came in a lovely, small (almost too small), blue packet.

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Labour Unions

updated by rck, 2005-01-20
Labour Unions

Here's a summary for the Business English 1 lectures I've been attending this term. Today is the end-test, so it's a bit late. Then again, we did that topic last week so it's not as late as it might seem.

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The new look for the new year

updated by rck, 2005-01-19
The new look for the new year

I saw it, I wanted it, I got it. From Sharon. The new design is called Sharonism.

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Prüfungsvorbereitung Wissensmanagement

updated by rck, 2008-04-29
Prüfungsvorbereitung Wissensmanagement

Ich habe für jedes der Kapitel aus der Wissensmanagement Vorlesung einen Artikel mit den ausgearbeiteten Fragen erstellt. Dieser Artikel ist das dazugehörige Inhaltsverzeichnis.

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