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Hack Master 0.1.1

updated by rck, 2006-03-18
Hack Master 0.1.1 If you have a lot of different phpWebSite installation, it can happen that you lose track of your hacks. To cope with this problem, I made a little module that detects a couple of well-known hacks and shows their installation status as a table.

Usage is easy: Just boost it in and click the icon in the Control Panel.

0.1.1 includes fixes by Yves Kündig. He fixed, amongst other thing, the support for phpWebSite installation with prefixed tables.

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establishing a phpWebSite tag

updated by rck, 2006-02-11
establishing a phpWebSite tag Social Bookmarking seems to be "the next big thing" since Blogs right now. Always being one to look deeper into current trends, I've taken a closer look at Social Bookmarking systems also and enjoy them. They enable you to share your bookmarks. Not only amongst different PCs but also with a large community.

And they help you get your bookmark list in shape by providing tags. That's where you come in. Do you like phpWebSite? Do you think, it should have more exposure?

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Time is relative

updated by rck, 2006-02-03
Time is relative Instead of thinking about time in absolute numbers, we often think relative. Like “I bought a new pair of shoes yesterday”, “My car's windshield broke this morning” (sad but true) or “I will start dieting. Tomorrow.”

Time is easier to grab this way, that's why you often find such relative time hints in various blogs and online publications also. Instead of showing an absolute date, vBulletin for example writes “Yesterday, 6.00am”. Google Desktop shows hints like “9 min ago” for its RSS feeds (Web Clips).

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updated by rck, 2006-04-23 went RSS You can see those little orange icons all over the web now. RSS is everywhere, people love the really simple syndication. I must admit, I like it also. Google Desktop's Web Clips made me want it in its unobstrusive yet useful way.

So I enhanced phpwsrssfeeds to support forums as well as comments, added a couple of icons on and am very happy with the result.

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phpWSBB statistics for the needy

updated by rck, 2006-01-27
phpWSBB statistics for the needy Statistics are wonderful. They tell you, what's going on. Like how much bandwidth does a site need a day, how many visitors does it have. Or on a smaller granularity: How often has a thread of a forum been viewed and who are the guys posting the most?

Alas, phpwsbb is lacking that also, like so many things. Time to change it, I said to myself. And started coding a top thread-starter, top poster and most views screen for phpwsbb. It's working, just have a look into my forums.

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updated by freddiemac1993, 2013-06-14

Re: adventures
created by brittdavis10, 2012-02-23 (1 rply, 3 views)

Re: how to run phpwebsite...
created by alexander, 2011-08-25 (2 rpls, 3607 views)

Re: Forum tags
created by HaroldFaragher, 2011-08-22 (3 rpls, 8488 views)

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