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Switching back to english

updated by rck, 2004-10-10
Switching back to english

As my visitors tend to come from all over the place (hello Kuala Lumpur!), about 60 different each day, I decided to switch my site back to english. I'm doing the transition gradually, so please be patient. I might even translate some older articles which could be of interest.

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Southpark Do-It-Yourself

updated by rck, 2004-10-10
Southpark Do-It-Yourself

So... You think there are too little Southpark characters? Know every one of them but still isn't enough? Just found via ILoveJackDaniels: Southpark Create-A-Character. Nice toy if you have time to spare.

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A play of slots

updated by rck, 2004-10-10
A play of slots

Let's have some fun with another swallow 0.2 hack demo!

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Random Guide to whatever

updated by rck, 2004-10-10
Random Guide to whatever

Another case of trying out the swallow hack 0.2. This time, I'm shuffling some sections around. Enjoy!

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Some Random Pictures for Swallowing

updated by rck, 2004-10-10
Some Random Pictures for Swallowing

Since I just made an update of the swallow hack containing a "randomizer", I wanted to try it out.

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Swallow Hack 0.5 for Article Manager

updated by rck, 2006-04-23
Swallow Hack 0.5 for Article Manager

Didn't you always think about a CMS that's more tightly integrated, than phpWebSite? Didn't you always wonder, if it would be possible to use the same pictures all over the place, include download links in an Article? Or maybe use the links right from your Link Manager, thus having one single instance to administer, and not loads of different articles?

0.5 is a port of 0.4 to Article Manager 3 by Tony Oosterhoff. It also contains a bugfix of a bug found by Tja. Read this thread for details. Thank you!

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Scrambling Email-Addresses

updated by rck, 2006-03-26
Scrambling Email-Addresses

Sometimes, you just have to make your email-address public in a way or another. But: This could lead to serious spamming, as some webrobots try to exactly find those addresses and make them part of a spammers addressbook.

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Insanely Dead: My iMac is back

updated by rck, 2004-10-12
Insanely Dead: My iMac is back

I bought an iMac back in 1998. Because it was cool. Connect just two cables and you're in the Internet. Yeah, right. It of course didn't work out like that.

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Bäck for good!!!

updated by rck, 2004-09-28
Bäck for good!!! After a successful swap of disk drives and the cleaning of the usual LILO problems the server is back online.

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Microsoft sues Spammer. Again.

updated by rck, 2006-03-30
Microsoft sues Spammer. Again.

You can say what you will about Microsoft. I still believe, they have some very good points. They are big enough in making a difference while battling spam, for example.

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