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Voting for phpWebSite awards 2006

updated by rck, 2007-01-02
Voting for phpWebSite awards 2006 The voting will be only for the category "non-commercial phpWebSite". All the four participants submitted to this category so this should be fair. Please vote for the site which you like the most. If you want, you can of course also comment your decision.

This poll will be running until start of 2007, only registered users can poll.

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The (unofficial!) phpWebSite awards 2006

updated by rck, 2007-01-02
The (unofficial!) phpWebSite awards 2006 What can be more thrilling than a nice and fair competition? A competition of skilled webmasters and webmistresses, gifted and proven masters of phpWebSite? Well, I could think of a couple of things. Anyway, here's the plan.

There are three categories: Commercial, Non-Commercial and Creative. Commercial and Non-Commercial sites should be an obvious distinction. But what about the creative ones? This category is for "most creative phpWebSite use" and requires the participating sites to have either a self-made theme or at least one self-made module.

Update: We have a winner! The Femme Fatales got the most votes and thus won the phpWebSite awards 2006. Congratulations!

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Picturesworld Studios themes available for preview

updated by rck, 2006-11-02
Picturesworld Studios themes available for preview In an attempt to minimize clutter of the phpWebSite themes landscape, Picturesworld Studios merged their themes to the Kiesler phpWebSite Theme Preview Site. This makes life easier for people wanting to see all of the free available phpWebSites in just one place.

As usual, every theme on the preview site can be previewed with a single mouse click. Every theme is available to be commented as well.

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Recent and Random Links Modules

updated by rck, 2006-09-09
Recent and Random Links Modules Two similar functionalities put in two distinct modules instead of one big hack. The Link Manager module of phpWebSite neither can show a box with the latest links in it, nor can it show a box with random links in it.

These modules have been in use on for a long time. As there was a request for the ability to show recent links like on my site, I'm releasing them now

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Vote for your favorite Hack

updated by rck, 2006-07-23
Vote for your favorite Hack Thanks to everyone submitting ideas for the missing hack contest. All in all, I was impressed by the feedback this contest had this far. Now, it is time to vote.

16 requests made it in the next round, please vote for your favorite missing hack in this article.

And the winner is... It's almost a photo-finish. "Different rights to different documents" will be realized, as "Photoalbum bulk-import" is in CVS already anyways.

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