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I am a JPEG!

updated by rck, 2004-11-26
I am a JPEG!

Sometimes, I stumble accross funny personality tests. Like what cheese are you, etc. This time, it's been choosing a file extension for me. I guess, it matches my personality pretty good.

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My foot is broken

updated by rck, 2004-11-25
My foot is broken

Today I broke my foot at my every wednesday California Workout. It happend fast, it made a cracking noise, it hurt a bit. On the other hand, it didn't hurt as much as rendering me unable to finish my Workout.

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Online at donnerstagnacht

updated by rck, 2004-11-24
Online at donnerstagnacht

After a downtime that lasted longer as expected (as usual), I'm back. This time I have a faster server and broader bandwidth as well. Please welcome:!

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360 days - Next generation Blogging

updated by rck, 2004-11-19
360 days - Next generation Blogging

You probably know blogging. You might know photo blogs as well. Blogs, that tell of someones life with a couple of nice photos.

Mickael Therer topped that by documenting his life with Quicktime panoramas. And they are looking good!

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Writing content for Article Manager

updated by rck, 2004-11-15
Writing content for Article Manager

The core competence of phpWebSite is managing content. That's why it's called a content management system. There are a couple of guides on how to install phpWS technically and how to work with modules.

Then, there's the actual content. I couldn't find a common practice guide on how to write content for phpWebSite. So I did one on my own. Enjoy!

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Infused Cat

updated by rck, 2004-11-12
Infused Cat

My cat Stanley got sick a week ago on friday. So sick in fact, he had to stay at the doctors for a day and a night. He's home for a couple of days now and recovering.

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Different views of reality

updated by rck, 2004-11-20
Different views of reality

I've seen a nice cartoon at the Black Board of an universitarian institute. It shows an elephant with four men around it. They are all blindfolded and touch the elephant at different spots. Each getting a different idea of what he's actually touching, each one being wrong of course.

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Halloween is over

updated by rck, 2004-11-12
Halloween is over

Yesterday I saw two Halloween-pumpkins in a trashbin. Here, in Austria. While I know, that Halloween is on the 31st of October, I also believed it's only a part of the American culture. I of course had to take a picture of it of course.

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Understanding the Display Engine

updated by rck, 2004-11-15
Understanding the Display Engine

Actually, one of the more powerful things in phpWebSite is the Display engine. A content management like phpWS does just that: It manages your content. I'll show you, how.

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Fun with Selections in Photoshop

updated by rck, 2004-11-09
Fun with Selections in Photoshop

One of the main reasons, why I haven't fully switched to Linux and cope with Windows XP must be the incredible amount of amazing software for Windows. The best, of course, is Photoshop. Let's make a graphic with it.

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Congratulations, Mr. Bush

updated by rck, 2004-11-07
Congratulations, Mr. Bush

It's no coincidence that the colors of the current theme are those of the United States. I want to congratulate Mr. Bush for his victory in this years election of the US president. You made it, Mr. Bush.

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My first protein shake

updated by rck, 2004-11-03
My first protein shake

I've just bought my first can of protein powerder. You know, that stuff that bodybuilders drink all the time to get lots of muscles. What I've seen after opening it quite amazed me: The can is, basically, only filled two thirds. In other words: I've got 2.5 inches of air with it. For free!

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Austria celebrates it's 49th national day

updated by rck, 2006-03-26
Austria celebrates it's 49th national day

On this earth, whose population wants to reach the moon and conquer the infinite space, on this earth, of which occupants go to war somewhere all the time, on this earth that has a thousand million children, of which 750 million cannot be nutured well enough, on this earth, on which some million humans die every year because of starvation, on this earth there is a country -- it's just a small piece of the world map -- which is called Austria. Millions of people think, Austria is Australia. Still, Austria had some meaning for the world and still has.

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Theme-choosing for anonymous users

updated by rck, 2004-10-26
Theme-choosing for anonymous users

So you want to show your phpWebSite themes to anonymous viewers as well? That's not possible out of the box, as Layout, the module which is responsible for Themes, supports only logged in users. Well, it's possible now, some hours hacking later...

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Pinging Trackbacks

updated by rck, 2004-10-25
Pinging Trackbacks

As I'm developing Trackback support for phpWebsite right now, I needed a way to test it. Actually, all it takes is a html-form. No wonder, trackbacks are abused that badly by spammers.

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Sony Sucks

updated by rck, 2004-10-25
Sony Sucks

Regular reader know my Sony Story already. I bought a Sony Clie in March, it had no Cradle. My fathers Clie had one, so did my Palm 3. Sony doesn't want to sell me a cradle. Please read on.

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The age of semantic web

updated by rck, 2004-10-20
The age of semantic web

Contemporary web designers have two things in common: They all sigh about the lack of standards support in webpages. And they all try to reach table-less design. This isn't the only goal to go for.

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Why phpWebSite isn't useful to Webdesigners

updated by rck, 2004-10-19
Why phpWebSite isn't useful to Webdesigners

I've been playing around with theme creation for the past few days. You can see some results by browsing through recent articles. There are some people, I've talked to a couple, that would like to see more nice themes for phpWebSite. I'd like to compile some points that should make it more likely for Webdesigners to be able to push phpWebSite beyond it's limits.

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New Theme: Autumn

updated by rck, 2004-10-19
New Theme: Autumn

Autumn is my third single-column theme. This time, it's a "real" single-column theme, it hasn't got a sidebar anymore. As it's Autumn right now in Korneuburg, I did another google-picture search and found some nice autumn pictures.

By the way: You can download & use this theme!

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New Theme: Shine

updated by rck, 2004-10-19
New Theme: Shine

You wanted it, you get it. The first downloadable Theme of And it's different.

Get out your Project Pitchfork, Nitin Sawhney or Blue Tonic World tracks and shine.

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Deployment of Sugarplum

updated by rck, 2004-10-24
Deployment of Sugarplum

I've got another two spam-mails to my webmaster-account at my domain. That does it, I strike back! I've deployed Sugar Plum today on my site.

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Just upgraded: PhpWSBB 1.0.0 CVS 2004-10-15

updated by rck, 2004-10-15
Just upgraded: PhpWSBB 1.0.0 CVS 2004-10-15

New Features: Clearer layout, User rankings, Show postings, show newest posting of Forums on the overview. And: I indeed like it.

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New Themes: Emotions + Schloss

updated by rck, 2004-10-12
New Themes: Emotions + Schloss

I had an idea on Sunday. What, if I'd try to make phpWebSite look less like a content management system and more like a Designers site?

While I am no designer, far from it, I did some googling and came up with a nice singlecolumn layout. Combine it with a banner-image and the corresponding Swatches and you get Emotions. Or Schloss.

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Vertical Center + Align Right with CSS

updated by admin, 2004-10-11
Vertical Center + Align Right with CSS

It took me quite some time to get this right, so why not write it down? There are a couple of articles regarding vertical centering with CSS (which is bloody complicated). But, at least Yuhu's Definitive Solution with Unknown Height is very fragile and doesn't work anymore, as soon as you start centering or text-aligning it right.

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updated by rck, 2004-10-10

a2html is a lex-program, which I wrote back in May 2004. I've encountered some problems while pasting JAVA-Sourcecode in phpWebSite, which hindered me on adding examples to my Tutorials. As I've been using Lex for another lecture of my study at the same time, I put it to good use here as well.

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